Friday, October 5, 2012

D. Lawless Hardware WINNER

Hi all!  I had grand plans to share so much with you this week, but a fall cold has completely wiped me out!   I'll be spending the weekend on some much needed recuperation, and hopefully, will be back on Monday feeling much better. :)

Thank you to everyone who entered the D. Lawless Hardware Giveaway.  The winners are:


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Also, on Honey We're Healthy, I'm introducing Jennifer, a new food contributor that will be sharing healthy recipes twice a month.  I wanted to tell you about her here because she also has a home decor blog, The Chronicles of Home, that I think you'll really like. 

If you get a chance this weekend, go say hi to Jennifer!

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One more random thing, I'm getting a TON of spam anonymous comments, so I have disabled anonymous comments in lieu of requiring a word verification and will see how that goes for awhile.